Harnessing the mind of the subconscious mind is the source of the greatest imaginable mental power. It may be used to solve virtually all of the issues of one’s personal life since the negative problems arise from behavior patterns deeply embedded into the subconscious mind.
It may be used to cure obesity, depression and other mental illnesses, addiction, anger issues, relieve stress and anxiety and create a more tranquil, a more balanced perception of life in which the ocean of the subconscious is not being constantly lashed up by emotions.
The power of hypnosis unlocks the gateway into the subconscious and allows you to harness its power and turn it into good use. You may use it on yourself or use it to change and influence others. The unknown force of hypnosis may be mastered by any who is willing to invest time into its study in order to use it to unlock the mind’s most extreme potential.
This is the knowledge you gain from Truth About Hypnosis. It is a series of interviews with experts and an additional secret bundle of products that will help you in mastering the art of taming the subconscious and using its awesome powers to forever change your life.
Hypnotic Interviews
If you subscribe to Truth About Hypnosis you will receive an in-depth interview with an expert of the field for free every single week. From these interviews you will learn the abstract knowledge of hypnosis, the various psychological theories about its influence on your mind and you will also receive practical insight, tips and techniques about how to use it in your everyday life.
You will meet with the most influential names through the series of interviews who are known and respected all around the world. You will receive an interview with Dr. Joe Vitale, the star of the movie The Secret, who will teach hypnotic techniques that highly increase your productivity and motivation in your day to day life. You will read onWendi Friesen, hypnotist who was invited to speak in Fox and HBO, who talks about the usage of hypnotic practice to purge addiction from one’s life and teaches powerful hypnosistechniques.
Tom Nicoli is yet another expert who was interviewed throughout the Truth About Hypnosis series, who was featured in the Ultimate Diet Challenge of NBC’s show Dateline. He talks about how he used hypnotic techniques to successfully lose more than 40 pounds throughout his life. The hypnotherapistAdam Eason teaches a technique that the reader may use to force radical changes in his habits.
The series features a disciple of the famous psychiatrist and psychologistMilton H. Erickson, who talks about hypnosis techniques to force positive changes onto your ownlife and the life ofothers.
The series also includes famous experts, CEOs and numerous people who has achieved tremendous success in their personal and professional life by using hypnotic techniques. These people share their most treasured knowledge in these interviews and the reader may become more powerful, and may gain mastery over his or her own subconscious by using their guide.
Arcane Knowledge
But behind the free interviews with theseworld-renowned experts you may also purchase Membership for theLost Archive of Secret Hypnotic Knowledge. This is the private section of theTruth About Hypnosis, a library of knowledge about hypnotic techniques you may learn and start implementing to your everyday life.
The hidden section of Truth About Hypnosis, theLost Archive of Secret Hypnotic Knowledge includes an abundance of information about the subject. Its members will be able to access 9 manuscripts that are purely practical guides teaching the most powerful hypnosis techniques used by experts all around the world. It includes the most comprehensive digitalized training in hypnosis based on the accumulated knowledge of experts from the last hundred years. Their writings were collected, analyzed, formatted and uploaded for those who are willing to peer into the Lost Archives.
These are the digitalized scans of historical and extremely valuable and rare documents written by legendary expertpsychologists who has becomethe core part and the most important names of the scientific literature. In these pages they teach the reader how to acquire hypnotic power to master their own subconscious and manipulate the subconscious of others, to purge it from destructive patterns and revitalize it into the base for a tranquil, productive mindset.
TheLost Archive of Secret Hypnotic Knowledge includes the audio MP3 version of all the 11 interviews of the basic Truth About Hypnosis program.
You will also receive one month of membership into the Private Hypnosis Training Program. As a member of this program you will gain weekly lessons in video, audio and text format from experts about how to use various hypnotic and psychological techniques that will bring about measurable and instantaneous positive effect in your personal life. Along these lessons, you will also receive video files about the most effective techniques ofpersuasion and social influence.
The hidden content ofTruth About Hypnosis will teach you how to use the most effective hypnosis techniques in existence. You will be able to alleviate your mind from irrational subconscious motives that bring about destructive behavior and self-abusing though patterns so that you may live a more peaceful, a psychologically more balanced and stable life. You will also learn how to use these techniques on others. You may help those around you to overcome their own deeply embedded darkness through these hypnosis tools as a healer of the mind and turn the subconscious of others into a peaceful landscape unabated by trauma.
For $47, the ultimate key to unlocking the gates of your subconscious may be yours. You may gain access to the realm that holds your most deeply rooted patterns of behavior and thoughts. If you have ever found yourself falling into the same trap in terms of relationship or your personal life, if you watched as you go through the same problems and mistakes over and over again, Truth About Hypnosis is the solution.
You will be able to purge those neural pathways from your brain that haunt your life since childhood. Not only that, but you will also be able to help others, and to become a healer of your family, friends and community.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to free yourself from theshackles of your subconscious and unleash its power to your life that will bring about significant change. You will find that hypnosis helps you succeedvirtually in every aspect of your life fromprofessional to personal, bybestowing you with motivation, a burst of creative energy and with a tool to change the foundations of your mind.
Click Here to Buy Truth About Hypnosis
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